Antioxidant Booster | Free Spirit



A soft, delicate refreshing white tea with sweet floral notes. Your go-to blend to boost weight loss and increase healthy antioxidant levels. Also protects teeth from bacteria. Sip into the magic of this delicious champagne-flavored blend and enjoy moments of inner adventure. Free Spirit energetically connects you to your wild side, allowing you to flow in the essence of being authentically you.

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Organic Ingredients: White Tea, Safflowers, Champagne Flavor, and Red Raspberry Flavors

Contains Caffeine.


Modestine® thinks of tea as an important component for a healthier lifestyle.

We create both Ayurvedic and Herbal teas that are meant to renew your mind, body, and spirit.

Boost Self Esteem | Womanhood Affirmation Deck
Self-Esteem Booster | Take Up Space